package Xmms; use strict; use Xmms::Remote (); use Xmms::Config (); use Term::ReadLine (); use File::Basename qw(basename dirname); use Exporter (); use Symbol (); use File::Find qw(finddepth); use Data::Dumper (); use Text::ParseWords (); { no strict; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(shell); $VERSION = '0.12'; } my $Help; sub helpstr { return $Help if $Help; my $cmds = Xmms->Cmds; my @retval; for my $cmd (@$cmds) { my $cv = Xmms::Cmd->can($cmd); next unless defined $cv; my $sub = \&{"Xmms::\u${cmd}Cmds"}; my($options, $args); if (defined &$sub) { $options = '[' . join('|', @{ $sub->() }) . ']'; } if (my $p = prototype $cv) { if ($p eq '*') { $args = "(user defined)"; } else { $p =~ s/^.//; $args = ($p =~ /^;/) ? "[arg]" : "arg"; } } my $retval = $cmd . ' ' x (10 - length($cmd)); $retval .= $options ? "$options $args" : $args; push @retval, $retval; } $Help = join "\n", @retval, ""; } my $AbbrevStr; sub abbrevstr { return $AbbrevStr if $AbbrevStr; my(%seen, @retval); my $alias = CmdAlias(); for (sort keys %$alias) { next if $seen{$alias->{$_}}++; my $pad = " " x (4 - length); push @retval, " $_ $pad => $alias->{$_}", } $AbbrevStr = join "\n", @retval, ""; } my %jtime; { package Xmms::Jtime; no strict; @ISA = qw(Xmms::SongChange); sub TIEHASH { bless [$_[1]], $_[0] } sub FETCH { shift->[0]->jtime_FETCH(@_) } sub STORE { shift->[0]->jtime_STORE(@_) } } my($remote, $config, $pconfig, $sc, $term, @history); my $use_sc = 0; my $is_cpl = 0; my $Signal = 0; my $Pid = 0; sub is_cpl { $is_cpl } eval { require Xmms::SongChange; }; if ($@) { undef &Xmms::Cmd::crop; } sub init_songchange { return if $sc; $sc = Xmms::SongChange->new($remote); tie %jtime, 'Xmms::Jtime', $sc; } my @urldb = (); sub urldb { \@urldb } sub init_urldb { if (open FH, "$ENV{HOME}/.xmms/.perlurldb") { while () { s/^\s+//; next unless /^http:/; s/\s+$//; chomp; push @urldb, $_; } close FH; } } sub init { $config = Xmms::Config->new(Xmms::Config->file); $pconfig = Xmms::Config->new(Xmms::Config->perlfile); $remote = Xmms::Remote->new; unless ($remote->is_running) { exec "xmms" unless $Pid = fork; Xmms::sleep(0.25); local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "connect to xmms failed: $!"; }; alarm 5; 1 while not $remote->is_running; alarm 0; $remote->all_win_toggle(0); } init_urldb(); if ($use_sc) { init_songchange(); } eval { require MPEG::MP3Info; MPEG::MP3Info::->import(qw(get_mp3tag get_mp3info set_mp3tag)); }; if ($@) { *get_mp3tag = *get_mp3info = sub { undef }; } eval { require Term::ANSIColor; Term::ANSIColor::->import(qw(color)); }; if ($@) { *color = sub { "" }; } eval { require Audio::CD; }; } sub shell { $term = Term::ReadLine->new(__PACKAGE__); init(); boot(); my $attr = $term->Attribs; $attr->{completion_function} = \&cpl; $readline::rl_completer_word_break_characters = $readline::rl_basic_word_break_characters = "\\\t\n' \"`\@><=;|&{("; init_keybindings(); $sc->run if $sc; my $rcfile = "$ENV{HOME}/.xmms/.perlrc"; if (-e $rcfile) { Xmms::Cmd->history("<$rcfile"); } while (1) { $Signal = 0; run_cmd($term->readline("xmms> ")); } } sub version { print "xmms shell -- remote control v$Xmms::VERSION\n"; printf "ReadLine support..........%s\n", $term->ReadLine ne "Term::ReadLine::Stub" ? "enabled" : "available (install Bundle::Xmms)"; print "MPEG::MP3Info support.....", ($INC{'MPEG/'} ? "enabled" : "available"), "\n"; print "Audio::CD support.........", ($INC{'Audio/'} ? "enabled" : "available"), "\n"; print "Term::ANSIColor support...", ($INC{'Term/'} ? "enabled" : "available"), "\n"; } sub boot { version(); my $op = $config->read(xmms => 'output_plugin'); if ($op =~ /disk_writer/) { print <show_prefs_box; } } #the default C-c binding hosed my tty sub readline::F_Xmms_interrupt { readline::F_UnixLineDiscard(); Xmms::Cmd->quit if $Signal++; } sub readline::F_Xmms_volume_up { Xmms::Cmd::volume(undef, '+'); } sub readline::F_Xmms_volume_down { Xmms::Cmd::volume(undef, '-'); } #remote time slider doesnt work so well #sub readline::F_Xmms_time_up { # Xmms::Cmd::time(undef, '+'); #} #sub readline::F_Xmms_time_down { # Xmms::Cmd::time(undef, '-'); #} my %keybindings = ( 'M-=' => 'next', 'M--' => 'prev', 'M-.' => 'stop', 'M-/' => 'play', 'M-,' => 'pause', 'M-~' => 'shuffle', 'M-`' => 'history', 'M-@' => 'repeat', 'M-\\\\' => 'jtime', 'M-m' => 'mtime', 'M-c' => 'crop', 'C-c' => 'interrupt', 'M-e' => 'eject', qq/"\e[A"/ => 'volume_up', qq/"\e[B"/ => 'volume_down', qq/"\e[[A"/ => 'volume_up', qq/"\e[[B"/ => 'volume_down', # qq/"\e[C"/, 'time_up', # qq/"\e[D"/, 'time_down', # qq/"\e[[C"/, 'time_up', # qq/"\e[[D"/, 'time_down', ); my %window_bindings = ( 'M-w' => 'main', 'M-l' => 'pl', 'M-q' => 'eq', 'M-a' => 'all', ); sub init_keybindings { my @code; return unless readline::->can('rl_bind'); while (my($k,$v) = each %keybindings) { push @code, <track($_) } rl_bind('M-$_', 'xmms_$_'); EOF } eval "package readline;\n@code"; die $@ if $@; } sub run_cmd { if ($_[0] =~ s/^\s*\+//) { eval "{package Xmms; no strict; @_}"; Xmms::Cmds(1); #sync $Help = ""; #invalidate cache } else { for my $cmd (split /;/, $_[0]) { eval { rrun_cmd(Xmms::interp($cmd)); }; } } print Xmms::highlight(Error => $@) if $@; } use Text::Abbrev qw(abbrev); my $CmdAlias = ""; my @Cmds = (); Xmms::Cmds(1); #init my $ignore_cmd = join '|', qw{can}; sub Cmds { if (@_) { @Cmds = sort grep { package Xmms::Cmd; defined &$_; } keys %Xmms::Cmd::; $CmdAlias = abbrev @Cmds; } \@Cmds; } sub CmdAlias { $CmdAlias } sub resolve { my $cmd = shift; return $cmd if Xmms::Cmd->can($cmd); return $CmdAlias->{$cmd} if $CmdAlias->{$cmd}; return undef; } sub rrun_cmd { my($line) = @_; local *CMD; my($cmd, $args) = split /\s+/, $line, 2; unless ($is_cpl) { return unless $cmd; } $args =~ s/\s+$//; if (my $command = Xmms::resolve($cmd)) { Xmms::Cmd->$command($args); push @history, $line; shift @history if @history > 100; #? #$term->SetHistory(@history); } elsif (open CMD, "$cmd $args|") { local $/; print {Xmms::pager()} ; close CMD; } else { print Xmms::highlight(Error => "unknown command: `$cmd'\n"); } } if ($0 eq '-e') { no strict; for my $cmd (@Cmds) { push @EXPORT, $cmd; *$cmd = sub { init() unless $remote; Xmms::Cmd->$cmd(@_ ? @_ : @ARGV); }; } } my @PATH = split ':', $ENV{PATH}; my %cmdhash; my $hashsize = 25; keys %cmdhash = $hashsize; sub xcmdcpl { my $pcmd = shift; my $guess = sub { grep /^$pcmd/o, keys %cmdhash }; my @guess = $guess->(); return \@guess if @guess; for my $path (@PATH) { local *DH; opendir DH, $path or next; for (readdir DH) { next unless /^$pcmd/ and -x "$path/$_"; $cmdhash{$_}++; } closedir DH; } @guess = $guess->(); hashtrunc(\%cmdhash, $hashsize); \@guess; } sub hashtrunc { my($hash, $max) = @_; my $keys = keys %$hash; while ($keys-- > $max) { my $k = each %$hash; delete $hash->{$k}; } } sub cpl { my($word, $line, $pos) = @_; my($cmd, $rest) = split /\s+/, $line, 2; if ($cmd =~ s/^\!(.*)/history/) { $rest = $1; } my $command = defined $rest ? Xmms::resolve($cmd) : $cmd; if (Xmms::Cmd->can($command) and prototype("Xmms::Cmd::$command")) { $is_cpl = 1; my @retval = Xmms::Cmd->$command($rest); $is_cpl = 0; return @retval; } my @guess = grep /^$cmd/, @Cmds; return @guess if @guess; unless ($rest) { my $guess = xcmdcpl($cmd); return @$guess; } return Xmms::filecomplete((split /\s+/, $rest)[-1]); } sub playlist_is_empty { my $no_msg = shift; unless ($remote->get_playlist_length) { print Xmms::highlight(Error => "playlist is empty\n") unless $no_msg; return 1; } return 0; } sub playlist_do { my($thing, $pat) = @_; return unless $remote->get_playlist_length; my %search = ( file => $remote->get_playlist_files, title => $remote->get_playlist_titles, ); my $search_list = $search{$thing}; my @new_playlist; #let * mean .* $pat =~ s/([^.]|^)\*/$1 . ".*"/eg; #if you fancy !~ my $negate = ($pat =~ s/^\!//); for (my $i = 0; $i < @{ $search{file} }; $i++) { my $matched = $search_list->[$i] =~ /$pat/i; push @new_playlist, $search{file}->[$i] if $negate ? !$matched : $matched; } $remote->playlist(\@new_playlist) if @new_playlist; } sub filesel_path { my $val = shift; if ($val) { $pconfig->write(perl => 'play_path', $val); } return unless defined wantarray; $pconfig->read(perl => 'play_path') || $config->read(xmms => 'filesel_path') || $ENV{MP3_HOME}; } sub urlsel { my $val = shift; if ($val) { $pconfig->write(perl => 'urlsel', $val); } return unless defined wantarray; $pconfig->read(perl => 'urlsel') || qw(http://); } sub historysel { my $val = shift; if ($val) { $pconfig->write(perl => 'historysel', $val); } return unless defined wantarray; $pconfig->read(perl => 'historysel') || filesel_path(); } sub defaultpaths { '.', filesel_path(), historysel(), "$ENV{HOME}/.xmms"; } sub guesspath { my($file) = @_; return $file if $file =~ m:^/:; for (defaultpaths()) { my $guess = "$_/$file"; return $guess if -e $guess; } $file; } sub change_pos { my $cv = shift; my $track = $remote->get_playlist_pos; $cv->(@_); unless ($remote->get_playlist_length > 1) { return; } waitfor(sub { $track != $remote->get_playlist_pos }); } sub waitfor (&) { my $true = shift; eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {die}; alarm 2; Xmms::sleep(0.05) while !$true->(); alarm 0; }; } sub rl_termchar { $readline::rl_completer_terminator_character = shift; } sub sleep { select(undef, undef, undef, shift); } sub clearscreen { readline::F_ClearScreen(shift); ''; } sub pager { my $fh = Symbol::gensym(); if ($ENV{PAGER}) { open $fh, "|$ENV{PAGER}"; } else { $fh = \*STDOUT; } return $fh; } sub open_careful { my $file = shift; if (-e $file) { my $ans = $term->readline("$file exists: overwrite? [y/n] "); if ($ans =~ /^n/i) { print Xmms::highlight(Warn => "save aborted\n"); return; } } my $fh = Symbol::gensym(); open $fh, ">$file" or die "open $file: $!"; return $fh; } #thanks andreas my %colors = ( Error => 'bold red on_white', Msg => 'bold blue on_white', Warn => 'bold red on_yellow', ); sub highlight { my($how, $what) = @_; my $nl = chomp($what) ? "\n" : ""; return join '', color($colors{$how} ? $colors{$how} : $how), $what, color('reset'), $nl; } package Xmms::CD; sub new { my $class = shift; my $id = 0; if ($INC{'Audio/'}) { $id = Audio::CD->init; } bless { id => $id, }, ref($class) || $class; } sub id { my $self = shift; return 0 unless $self->{id}; sprintf "%lx", $self->{id}->cddb->discid; } sub cd_is_playing { $remote->get_playlist_file(0) =~ /\.cda$/; } sub eject { my $self = shift; my $args = shift; my $cd_is_playing = $self->cd_is_playing; unless ($cd_is_playing or $args eq 'cd' and $self->{id}) { $remote->eject; return; } if ($cd_is_playing) { $remote->stop; 1 while $remote->is_playing; } for (1..3) { my $rc = $self->{id}->eject; last if $rc == 0; sleep(1); } } package Xmms::Sort; sub order { my $args = shift; my $files = $remote->get_playlist_files; my $range = Xmms::range($args); my @new; my $i = 0; for (@$range) { $files->[$_-1] =~ /(\d+)\.cda$/; $Xmms::CD::order{$i++} = int($1)-1; push @new, $files->[$_-1]; } $remote->playlist(\@new); } sub reverse { $remote->playlist([reverse @{ $remote->get_playlist_files }]); } #thanks perlfaq4.pod sub random { my $files = $remote->get_playlist_files; for (my $i = @$files; --$i; ) { my $j = int rand ($i+1); next if $i == $j; @$files[$i,$j] = @$files[$j,$i]; } $remote->playlist($files); } sub title { my @list; my %playlist; my $titles = $remote->get_playlist_titles; @playlist{ @$titles } = @{ $remote->get_playlist_files }; @$titles = sort @$titles; for (@$titles) { push @list, $playlist{$_}; } $remote->playlist(\@list); } sub path { $remote->playlist([sort @{ $remote->get_playlist_files }]); } sub file { my(@list) = sort { Xmms::basename($a) cmp Xmms::basename($b); } @{ $remote->get_playlist_files }; $remote->playlist(\@list); } my %decending = map { $_, 1 } qw(new large); sub Xmms::File::sort { my $sort = shift; my @list; for my $file (@{ $remote->get_playlist_files }) { stat $file; my $entry = { file => $file, size => (stat _)[7], access => (stat _)[8], mtime => (stat _)[9], ctime => (stat _)[10], }; $entry->{old} = $entry->{new} = $entry->{mtime}; $entry->{large} = $entry->{small} = $entry->{size}; push @list, $entry; } @list = $decending{$sort} ? (sort { $b->{$sort} <=> $a->{$sort} } @list) : (sort { $a->{$sort} <=> $b->{$sort} } @list); $remote->playlist([map { $_->{file} } @list]); } { for my $meth (qw(old new large small access)) { no strict 'refs'; *$meth = sub { Xmms::File::sort($meth) }; } } sub Xmms::FileInfo::sort { my $sort = uc shift; my @list; for my $file (@{ $remote->get_playlist_files }) { my $tag = Xmms::get_mp3tag($file); $tag->{FILE} = $file; push @list, $tag; } $remote->playlist([map { $_->{FILE} } sort { my($aval, $bval) = ($a->{$sort}, $b->{$sort}); ($aval =~ /^\d+$/ and $bval =~ /^\d+$/) ? $aval <=> $bval : $aval cmp $bval; } @list ]); } { for my $meth (qw(album artist comment genre tracknum year)) { no strict 'refs'; *$meth = sub { Xmms::File::sort($meth) }; } } package Xmms::Cmd; sub alias ($$) { my($self, $args) = @_; my($sub, $stuff) = split /\s+/, $args, 2; no strict; if ($stuff =~ /^(\S+)/ and $sub eq $1) { die "alias recursion detected\n"; } *{"Xmms::Cmd::$sub"} = sub (*) { Xmms::run_cmd($stuff) }; Xmms::Cmds(1); #sync $Help = ""; #invalidate cache } sub export ($@) { my($self, $args) = @_; package Xmms; no strict; if ($is_cpl) { my $arg = (split /\s+/, $args)[-1]; return grep /^$arg/, keys %ENV; } for my $ex (Text::ParseWords::parse_line('\s+', 0, $args)) { my($key,$val) = split /=/, $ex; if ($val) { $ENV{$key} = ${"Xmms::$key"} = $val; } else { *{"Xmms::$key"} = \$ENV{$key}; } } } sub help { print {Xmms::pager()} Xmms::helpstr() } my %sig_name = (); { my $i = 0; for (split /\s+/, $Config::Config{sig_name}) { $sig_name{$_} = $i++; } } sub quit { $remote->stop; Xmms::resume_config(1); $pconfig->write_file(Xmms::Config->perlfile); print Xmms::highlight(Msg => "Goodbye\n"); $remote->quit; exit; } sub resume { my $str = Xmms::resume_config(); return unless $str; my $resume = eval $str; if ($resume->{'files'}) { Xmms::playlist_load($resume->{'files'}); } Xmms::sleep(0.25); $remote->set_playlist_pos($resume->{'pos'}) if exists $resume->{'pos'}; Xmms::sleep(0.25); $remote->jump_to_time($resume->{'time'}) if exists $resume->{'time'}; } sub Xmms::resume_config { return if Xmms::playlist_is_empty(1); my $save = shift; if ($save) { my $resume = { 'files' => "$ENV{HOME}/.xmms/perl_resume_files", 'pos' => $remote->get_playlist_pos, 'time' => $remote->get_output_time, }; local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0; local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; $pconfig->write(perl => 'resume', Data::Dumper::Dumper($resume)); Xmms::List::save($resume->{'files'}, 1); } else { $pconfig->read(perl => 'resume'); } } sub Xmms::History::clear { @history = () } #prototypes are just for help() sub history ($;$) { my($self, $args) = @_; #M-` unless ($_[0]) { my $line = $readline::rl_History[-1]; Xmms::run_cmd($line); return; } if ($is_cpl) { if ($args =~ /^\d+$/) { return grep /^$args/, (1..$#history); } elsif($args =~ s/^([<>])//) { return Xmms::filecomplete($args, \&Xmms::historysel); } else { return grep /^$args/, reverse @history; } } unless ($args) { for (my $i = 0; $i < @history; $i++) { printf "%d\t$history[$i]\n", $i+1; } return; } if (my $meth = Xmms::History->can($args)) { return $meth->(); } my $line; if ($args =~ /^\d+$/) { $line = $history[$args-1]; } elsif ($args =~ s/^) { next if /^#/; next if /^history/; print unless s/^\@// or /^\+/; chomp; Xmms::run_cmd($_); } close $fh; Xmms::historysel(Xmms::dirname($args)) unless $args =~ /\.perlrc$/; } elsif ($args =~ s/^>//) { my $fh = Xmms::open_careful($args); print $fh join "\n", grep { !/^history/ } @history, ""; close $fh; } else { $line = $args; } Xmms::run_cmd($line); } my @windows = qw(main pl eq prefs all); sub Xmms::WindowCmds { \@windows } my %windows = map { $_,1 } @windows; sub Xmms::Usage::window { my $opts = join '|', @windows; print Xmms::highlight(Error => "usage: window [$opts] [hide|show]\n"); } my %window_state = ( 'main' => 0, 'pl' => 0, 'eq' => 0, 'all' => 0, ); sub window ($$$) { my($self, $args) = @_; my($win, $val) = split /\s+/, $args; if ($is_cpl) { if ($win and $windows{$win}) { return grep /^$val/, qw(show hide); } else { return grep /^$win/, @windows; } return $args; } $val ||= $window_state{$win} ? 'hide' : 'show'; unless ($win && $val) { Xmms::Usage->window; return; } my $meth = "${win}_win_toggle"; $window_state{$win} = $val eq 'show'; if ($remote->can($meth)) { $remote->$meth($window_state{$win}); } else { Xmms::Usage->window; } } my @BalanceCmds = sort grep { Xmms::Balance->can($_) } keys %Xmms::Balance::; sub Xmms::BalanceCmds { \@BalanceCmds } sub Xmms::Usage::balance { my $opts = join '|', @BalanceCmds; print Xmms::highlight(Error => "usage: balance [$opts] [value]\n"); } { package Xmms::Balance; sub center { $remote->set_balance(0); } sub left { my($self, $val) = @_; $remote->set_balance(-$val); } sub right { my($self, $val) = @_; $remote->set_balance($val); } } sub balance ($;$$) { my($self, $args) = @_; my($subcmd, $val) = split /\s+/, $args; if ($is_cpl) { if (defined $val) { return grep /^$val/, map {$_ * 10} (1..10); } else { return grep /^$subcmd/, @BalanceCmds; } } if ($subcmd) { if (Xmms::Balance->can($subcmd)) { Xmms::Balance->$subcmd($val); } else { Xmms::Usage->balance; } } else { my $bal = $remote->get_balancestr; print Xmms::highlight(Msg => "$bal\n"); } } sub volume ($;$) { my($self, $args) = @_; $args =~ s/ $// if $args; my $slide = ($is_cpl || $self eq undef); my $vol = $remote->get_main_volume; if ($args eq '-') { $remote->set_main_volume(--$vol); Xmms::rl_termchar(''); return Xmms::clearscreen($is_cpl) if $slide; } elsif ($args eq '+') { $remote->set_main_volume(++$vol); Xmms::rl_termchar(''); return Xmms::clearscreen($is_cpl) if $slide; } elsif ($is_cpl) { return grep /^$args/, map {$_ * 10} 1..10; } elsif ($args =~ /^\d+$/) { $remote->set_main_volume($args); } if ($args and $args ne $vol) { Xmms::waitfor(sub { $remote->get_main_volume != $vol }); } $vol = $remote->get_main_volume; print Xmms::highlight(Msg => " $vol% \n"); } sub next { Xmms::change_pos(sub { $remote->playlist_next }); current() if $_[0]; } sub prev { Xmms::change_pos(sub { $remote->playlist_prev }); current() if $_[0]; } sub crop { my($self, $args) = @_; return unless $use_sc; my($track, $time); if ($args) { ($track, $time) = split /\s+/, $args; } else { $track = $remote->get_playlist_pos+1; $time = $remote->get_output_timestr; } $sc->crop_STORE($track, $time); } sub change ($;$) { my($self, $args) = @_; return grep /^$args/, qw(on off) if $is_cpl; if ($args) { Xmms::init_songchange(); $use_sc = ($args =~ /^on$/i); my $meth = $use_sc ? "run" : "stop"; $sc->$meth(); } my $on_off = $use_sc ? "is running" : "stopped"; print Xmms::highlight(Msg => "SongChange thread $on_off\n"); } sub current { return if Xmms::playlist_is_empty(); my $track = $remote->get_playlist_pos; print Xmms::highlight(Msg => sprintf "%d - %s\n", $track+1, $remote->get_playlist_title($track)); my($rate, $freq, $nch) = $remote->get_info; print Xmms::highlight(Msg => sprintf "[%s] [%d kbps][%d kHz][%s]\n", $remote->get_output_timestr, ($rate / 1000), ($freq / 1000), $nch == 2 ? "stereo" : "mono"); } sub pause { $remote->pause } sub stop { $remote->stop } sub clear { if ($use_sc) { $sc->clear; } $remote->playlist_clear; } sub shuffle { $remote->toggle_shuffle } sub eject { shift; Xmms::CD->new->eject(@_) } sub Xmms::urlcomplete { my $arg = shift; if ($arg eq '-') { if (my $url = Xmms::urlsel()) { Xmms::rl_termchar(''); return $url; } } else { return @urldb ? (grep /^$arg/, @urldb) : qw(http://); } } my $xmms_scalars = sub { package Xmms; no strict; grep { defined $$_ } keys %Xmms::; }; sub Xmms::interp { my $string = shift; $Xmms::file = $remote->get_playlist_file; eval "{package Xmms; no strict; qq($string)}"; } sub Xmms::filecomplete { my $arg = shift; if (my $earg = Xmms::interp($arg)) { $arg = $earg; } else { if ($arg =~ s/^\$//) { Xmms::rl_termchar('/'); return map { "\$$_" } grep /^$arg/, $xmms_scalars->(); } } my $dpath = shift || \&Xmms::filesel_path; if ($arg eq '-') { if (my $path = $dpath->()) { $path =~ s:/$::; Xmms::rl_termchar('/'); return $path; } } elsif ($arg eq '!') { if (my $path = Xmms::historysel()) { $path =~ s:/$::; Xmms::rl_termchar('/'); return $path; } } if ($arg =~ /\#$/) { my $id = Xmms::CD->new->id; $arg =~ s/\#$/$id/ if $id; } my @retval = glob($arg."*"); @retval = $arg unless @retval; if (@retval > 1) { return @retval; } else { if (-d $retval[0] and $retval[0] !~ m:/$:) { Xmms::rl_termchar('/'); } return @retval; } } sub Xmms::range { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/\s+//g; my @entries = split ',', $string; my @range; for (@entries) { if (/^\d+$/) { push @range, $_; } elsif (/^(\d+)\.\.(\d+)$/) { push @range, $1 .. $2; } } \@range; } sub delete ($$) { my($self, $args) = @_; if ($is_cpl) { my $len = $remote->get_playlist_length; return grep /^$args/, (1..$len); } for (sort { $b <=> $a } @{ Xmms::range($args) }) { $remote->playlist_delete($_-1); } } sub add ($$) { my($self, $args) = @_; my(@cpl) = Xmms::filecomplete($args); return @cpl if $is_cpl; if ($args) { if (-d $args) { Xmms::filesel_path($args); } $remote->playlist_add(\@cpl); } } sub url ($$) { my($self, $args) = @_; my(@urls) = Xmms::urlcomplete($args); return @urls if $is_cpl; if ($args) { Xmms::urlsel($urls[0]); for (@urls) { $remote->playlist_add_url($_); } $remote->play; } } sub Xmms::playlist_load { my($file) = @_; my $fh = Symbol::gensym(); open $fh, $file or die "open $file: $!"; my @files; while (<$fh>) { chomp; push @files, $_; } $remote->playlist(\@files); close $fh; } { package Xmms::List; sub size { my($file) = @_; local *FH; open FH, $file; my $size = 0; while () { chomp; next unless -e $_; my $fsize = -s _; $size += $fsize; printf "%s %s\n", Xmms::basename($_), Xmms::size_string($fsize); } close FH; printf "Total: %s\n", Xmms::size_string($size); } sub save { my($file, $is_config) = @_; unless (-e $file) { $file = glob($file); } if ($is_config) { unlink $file; } my $fh = Xmms::open_careful($file); for (@{ $remote->get_playlist_files }) { print $fh "$_\n"; } if (close $fh) { print Xmms::highlight(Msg => "playlist saved\n") unless $is_config; } } } my @ListCmds = sort grep { Xmms::List->can($_) } keys %Xmms::List::; sub Xmms::ListCmds { \@ListCmds } sub list ($$) { my($self, $args) = (shift,shift); $args .= " @_" if @_; my($subcmd, $subargs) = split /\s+/, $args; if ($subcmd && $subargs) { if (my $meth = Xmms::List->can($subcmd)) { my(@files) = Xmms::filecomplete($subargs); if ($is_cpl) { return @files; } $meth->(@files); } } else { if ($args) { my(@files) = Xmms::filecomplete($args); if ($is_cpl) { if (my(@cpl) = grep /^$args/, @ListCmds) { return @cpl; } return @files; } Xmms::playlist_load(@files); } } } my @SortCmds = sort grep { Xmms::Sort->can($_) } keys %Xmms::Sort::; sub Xmms::SortCmds { \@SortCmds } sub sort ($$) { my($self, $str) = @_; my($args, $subargs) = split /\s+/, $str, 2; unless ($is_cpl) { if (my $meth = Xmms::Sort->can($args)) { $meth->($subargs); } else { print Xmms::highlight(Error => "unknown sort method: $args\n"); } return; } return grep /^$args/, @SortCmds; } sub play ($;$) { my($self, $args) = @_; unless ($is_cpl) { if ($args) { if ($args ne '/cdrom' and -d $args) { Xmms::filesel_path($args); } $remote->playlist([Xmms::filecomplete($args)]); } else { $remote->play; } return; } Xmms::filecomplete($args); } my @DigCmds = (); sub Xmms::DigCmds { @DigCmds = (@{Xmms->InfoCmds}, 'file') unless @DigCmds; return \@DigCmds; } #I only have ~100 mp3z, dunno how much cpu more would burn, so pause my $pause = 200; sub dig ($$;$) { my($self, $args) = (shift,shift); $args .= " @_" if @_; my($path, $pat) = split /\s+/, $args, 2; if ($is_cpl) { if (my(@by) = grep /^$path/, @{Xmms::DigCmds()}) { return @by; } elsif (my(@pm) = Xmms::filecomplete($path)) { return @pm; } return; } my(@list, $search_by); my $dir = Xmms::filesel_path(); if (-e $path) { $dir = $path; $args = $pat; } elsif (grep { $path eq $_ } @{Xmms::DigCmds()}) { $search_by = uc $path; $args = $pat; } unless ($args) { print Xmms::highlight(Error => "no search pattern specified\n"); return; } print Xmms::highlight(Msg => "searching in $dir...\n"); my $depth = 0; Xmms::finddepth(sub { my $file = "$File::Find::dir/$_"; if (++$depth >= $pause) { print Xmms::highlight(Msg => "pause after $pause searches...\n"); sleep 1, $depth=0; } return unless /\.mp[123]$/; my $tag = Xmms::get_mp3tag($file); $tag->{FILE} = $file; my @tagms = $search_by ? $tag->{$search_by} : values %{$tag || {}}; my $tagmatch = sub { for (@tagms) { return 1 if /$args/i; } return 0; }; return unless $tagmatch->(); push @list, $file; }, $dir); if(@list) { Xmms::filesel_path($dir); if (!$remote->get_playlist_length) { $remote->playlist(\@list); } else { $remote->playlist_add(\@list); } } } sub track ($;$) { return if Xmms::playlist_is_empty(); my($self, $args) = @_; my $title_maybe = $args; my $pos = $remote->get_playlist_pos; my $len = $remote->get_playlist_length; my @range = (); if ($args and $args =~ /\D+/) { @range = map { $_-1 } @{ Xmms::range($args) }; $args = ""; } if (!$args or $args eq ' ') { my @retval; unless (@range) { @range = 0..$len-1; } for (@range) { last if $_ >= $len; my $num = $_ + 1; my $title = $remote->get_playlist_title($_); my $desc = "$num - $title"; my $jt = " {$jtime{$num}}" if $jtime{$num}; my($ctime, $repeat); if ($use_sc) { if ($ctime = $sc->crop_FETCH($num)) { $ctime = " >$ctime<"; } my $count; ($repeat, $count) = $sc->repeat_FETCH($num); if ($repeat) { $repeat = " \@$count:$repeat"; } } my $extra = join '', $jt, $ctime, $repeat; if ($_ == $pos) { my $time = $remote->get_output_timestr; push @retval, Xmms::highlight(Msg => "$desc [$time]$extra"); } else { my $time = $remote->get_playlist_timestr($_); my $t = "$desc ($time)$extra"; push @retval, $t; } } return (@retval) if $is_cpl; #local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; #local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; print {Xmms::pager()} join "\n", @retval, ""; return; } if ($args =~ /^\d+$/) { if ($is_cpl) { return grep /^$args/, (1..$len); } else { $remote->set_playlist_pos($args-1); } } else { my %titles; for (0..$len-1) { my $title = $remote->get_playlist_title($_); $title =~ s/ /-/g; $titles{$title} = $_; } if (exists $titles{$title_maybe}) { $remote->set_playlist_pos($titles{$title_maybe}); } else { return sort grep /^$title_maybe/, keys %titles; } } } sub titles ($$) { my($self, $args) = @_; return if $is_cpl; Xmms::playlist_do("title", $args); } sub files ($$) { my($self, $args) = @_; return if $is_cpl; Xmms::playlist_do("file", $args); } sub repeat (;$) { my($self, $args) = @_; if ($is_cpl) { return grep /^$args/, qw(reset); } unless ($use_sc) { $remote->toggle_repeat; return; } if (defined $args) { my($track, $num) = split /\s+/, $args, 2; if ($track && $num) { $sc->repeat_STORE($track, $num); } elsif ($track eq 'reset') { $sc->repeat_reset; } } else { $remote->toggle_repeat; } } sub mtime { my $pos = $remote->get_playlist_pos+1; my $time = $remote->get_output_time/1000; $jtime{$pos} = sprintf "%d:%-2.2d", $time/60, $time % 60; } sub jtime ($;$$) { my($self, $args) = (shift,shift); $args .= " @_" if @_; my $len = $remote->get_playlist_length; if ($args) { my($track, $time) = split /\s+/, $args; if ($is_cpl) { return grep /^$args/, (1..$len) unless defined $time; return $jtime{$track} || '0:00'; } $jtime{$track} = $time; } else { return (1..$len) if $is_cpl; my $pos = $remote->get_playlist_pos+1; my $str = $jtime{$pos || '0:00'}; $remote->jump_to_timestr($str); } } sub time ($;$) { my($self, $args) = @_; $args =~ s/ $// if $args; my $slide = ($is_cpl || $self eq undef); return if Xmms::playlist_is_empty(); my $pos = $remote->get_playlist_pos; my $time = $remote->get_output_time; my $skip = 1000; if ($args =~ /^-(\d*)$/) { $remote->jump_to_time($time-($skip * ($1||1))); Xmms::rl_termchar(''); return "-" if $slide; } elsif ($args =~ /^\+(\d*)$/) { $remote->jump_to_time($time+($skip * ($1||1))); Xmms::rl_termchar(''); return '+' if $slide; } elsif ($is_cpl) { my $str = $remote->get_playlist_timestr($pos); return ("0:00..$str"); } elsif (!$args) { print Xmms::highlight(Msg => $remote->get_output_timestr."\n"); } elsif ($args =~ /^\d+$/) { $remote->jump_to_time($args); } elsif ($args =~ /^\d+:\d+$/) { $jtime{$pos+1} = $args; $remote->jump_to_timestr($args); } elsif ($args =~ /^\d+:\d+..(\d+):(\d+)$/) { #random time jump my $len = $remote->get_playlist_time($pos); my $rand = int rand $len; $remote->jump_to_time($rand); Xmms::sleep(0.10); my $ostr = $remote->get_output_timestr; print Xmms::highlight(Msg => "jumped to $ostr\n"); } else { print Xmms::highlight(Error => "unknown time format: $args\n"); } } { package Xmms::Info; for my $meth (qw(album artist title tracknum genre comment year)) { no strict 'refs'; *$meth = sub { my($self, $tag, $file, $val) = @_; my $key = uc $meth; if ($val) { $tag->{$key} = $val; if (-w $file) { Xmms::set_mp3tag($file, $tag); print Xmms::highlight(Msg => "$meth set to `$val'\n"); } else { print Xmms::highlight(Error => "$file is not writable\n"); } } else { Xmms::info_print("\u$meth" => $tag->{$key}); } } } } my @InfoCmds = sort grep { Xmms::Info->can($_) } keys %Xmms::Info::; sub Xmms::InfoCmds { \@InfoCmds } sub Xmms::info_print { my($key, $val) = @_; $val ||= '?'; print $key . '.' x (13 - length($key)); print "$val\n"; } sub info ($$) { my($self, $args) = (shift,shift); $args .= " @_" if @_; my $len = $remote->get_playlist_length; my($track, $subcmd, $subargs) = split /\s+/, $args, 3; my $want_subcmd = defined $subcmd; if (!$track && $is_cpl) { return (1..$len); } my $pos = $remote->get_playlist_pos+1; $track ||= $pos; if ($is_cpl) { unless ($want_subcmd) { if ($track =~ /^\d+/) { return grep /^$track/, (1..$len); } else { return Xmms::filecomplete($track); } } return grep /^$subcmd/, @InfoCmds; } my $track_is_num = ($track =~ /^\d+$/); if ($track_is_num and $track > $len) { print Xmms::highlight(Error => "no such track\n"); return; } my $file; unless ($track_is_num or -e ($file = $track)) { ($subcmd, $subargs, $track) = ($track, $subcmd, $pos); #print Xmms::highlight(Error => "choose track 1..$len ($pos)\n"); return; } $file = $remote->get_playlist_file($track-1) unless $file; unless (-e $file) { print Xmms::highlight(Error => "$file does not exist: $!\n"); return; } my $tag = Xmms::get_mp3tag($file) || {}; my $info = Xmms::get_mp3info($file) || {}; if ($subcmd) { if (Xmms::Info->can($subcmd)) { Xmms::Info->$subcmd($tag, $file, $subargs); } else { print Xmms::highlight(Error => "unknown info method: $subcmd\n"); } return; } stat $file; Xmms::info_print(File => $file); Xmms::info_print(Size => Xmms::size_string(-s _)); Xmms::info_print(Modified => scalar localtime((stat _)[9])); for (@InfoCmds) { Xmms::Info->$_($tag); } Xmms::info_print(Time => "$info->{MM}:$info->{SS}"); for (qw(FREQUENCY STEREO BITRATE LAYER VERSION)) { Xmms::info_print("\u\L$_" => $info->{$_}); } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Xmms - Interactive remote control shell for xmms =head1 SYNOPSIS perl -MXmms -e shell =head1 DESCRIPTION Xmms::shell provides an alternative or companion interface to the xmms gui. Feature summary: =over 4 =item Standard Play Controls play, pause, stop, next, prev, eject =item Standard Options toggle repeat, toggle shuffle =item Playlist Controls clear, select, add file(s), add url(s), playlist load/save, sort (more options than the gui) =item File Info search, view and edit mp3 tags =item Misc Controls time change (and slider), volume change (and slider), balance change, window toggle =item Shell Features =over 4 =item command history =item command/file completion =item file matching =item title matching =item emacs key bindings =back =back =head1 Shell Command Summary The complete list of shell commands is also available via the I command. =over 4 =item add Add files to the current playlist, without clearing the current playlist. See also: I description of the special `-' character. =item alias Alias a long command to one of your own definition, e.g.: xmms> alias cd play /cdrom xmms> cd =item balance View or change the balance. =item clear Clear the current playlist. =item current Display the current playlist track number, title, time, rate, frequency and mode. =item delete Delete tracks from the playlist. (NOTE: at the time of this writing, the I patch must be applied to xmms-0.9.1.) Example: xmms> delete 3 This command can also handle ranges, e.g. to play just your favorite tracks from and audio cd: xmms> play /cdrom xmms> delete 5, 7..10 =item dig Search for mp3 files by mp3 tag or file name. Root directory defaults to the last I command or greedy I command. Example: #"greedy" match against *.mp3 filename and all tag info xmms> dig ~/mp3 gabba|break xmms> track 1 - Prodigy - Break'n'Enter [0:11/5:59 (3%)] 2 - gabba (6:12) 3 - gabba (4:47) 4 - break_and_enter_95_live (5:58) 5 - Prodigy - Diesel Power (Snake break - Mi (7:08) 6 - The Prodigy - Acid Break (4:42) #match against mp3 `artist' tag only xmms> dig artist maxim|liam 1 - Biohazard feat. Maxim Reality - Breathe [0:03/3:33 (1%)] 2 - Liam Howlett (DJ mix) - Heavyweight Selection XL Mix (19:37) 3 - Maxim - Dog Day (4:41) 4 - Maxim - Factory Girl (2:33) See also: I description of the special `-' character. =item eject Just like pressing the I button on the gui, pops up the I window. However, if an audio cd is/was playing (and Audio::CD is installed), the cd tray will pop open. If an audio cd is I playing, but you want to open the tray, provided the I argument: xmms> eject cd =item export Make environment variables available to the shell, e.g.: xmms> export PWD xmms> play $PWD/fav.mp3 xmms> export MP3_HOME=/usr/local/mp3 xmms> play $MP3_HOME/fav.mp3 xmms> export CD="play /cdrom" xmms> $CD =item files The current playlist with be reduced to files matching the given pattern. If no files match, the playlist is not changed. Example: xmms> files ro(ck|ll) #reduces playlist to files containing `rock' and `roll' To negate, use the ! prefix: xmms> files !fire #removes files containing `fire' from the playlist =item help Print command summary. =item history This function adds a bit of functionality over the readline history. Mainly, ability to save and run history to and from files on disk. Example: xmms> play ~/mp3/favorites xmms> volume 40 xmms> jtime 1 2:00 xmms> jtime 2 0:45 xmms> history >~/mp3/fav.hist #save current history xmms> history <~/mp3/fav.hist #read/run history from fav.hist TAB completion on the special character `-' will recall the last directory from which a history script was read. See also: I. If the file I<~/.xmms/.perlrc> exists, it will be automatically run as a history script when the shell is invoked, before the prompt loop. For example, my I<~/.xmms/.perlrc> file looks like so: volume 30 resume The I subcommand can be used to clear the current history: xmms> history clear =item info This command will display information about the given track, where track is a number in the current playlist file. The sub-commands can be used to edit the mp3 tag of the track file. Example: xmms> info 2 File........./usr/local/mp3/prodigy/rare/we_eat_rhythm.mp3 Size......... 4.9M Modified.....Thu May 20 16:29:43 1999 Album........deleted from Jilted Generation Artist.......The Prodigy Comment......? Genre........Electronic Title........We Eat Rhythm (Original Version) Tracknum.....? Year.........1994 Time.........5:18 ... xmms> info 2 comment Great Tune comment set to `Great Tune' xmms> info 2 comment Comment......Great Tune =item jtime This command jumps to the last time set by the I